Public Computers
Park City Public Library has five public computers. Microsoft's Office is installed on each of the computers. The computers do not have a built-in disc drive, but the library has a portable CD/DVD drive available for in-house use with the library computers only.
There are also USB connections on each computer so flash drives may be used to save documents.
Documents that are saved to the computer will be automatically deleted when the computer reboots at the end of the day. We ask that every patron delete any documents they've downloaded and not save any passwords to ensure their privacy.
To log in to the computers, use your library card number with no spaces.
Technology Assistance Available
If you need assistance with a computer or a library-related app on your device, please come to the front desk. We'll assist to the best of our ability but cannot provide in-depth searching or technical support.
Wi-Fi and Internet Access in the Library
Park City Public Library has free Wi-Fi available in all areas of the library. Search for the PCPL_Patron network on your device. No password is needed, but you'll be asked to read and accept our Terms of Use before using our wi-fi.
Technology Use Policy
To see the library policy on use of technology, click the button below.