Library Card Info

How can I get a library card?

The Park City Public Library is a member of the KanShare Library Consortium. KanShare library cards are free and available to anyone in the state of Kansas. The KanShare Libraries consortium provides access to a common online catalog. Library patrons will be able to borrow items from any library in the consortium. Those items can then be returned to any library in the consortium.

KanShare Libraries include:
- Andover Public Library
- Augusta Public Library
- Bradford Memorial Library (El Dorado)
- Derby Public Library
- Goddard Public Library
- Mulvane Public Library
- Oaklawn Activity Center
- Park City Public Library
- Rose Hill Public Library

This consortium provides broader access to library services and materials to the residents of the areas served by its libraries.

Patrons who are 16 and older need to provide a photo ID that shows their current name and address. For patrons age 15 and younger, a parent, grandparent or legal guardian will need to be present and provide a photo ID that shows their current name and address. If your photo ID does not have your current address, please bring in a piece of mail such as a bill or statement that shows your name and current address.

Please bring your library card with you when you come to the library to check out materials.

Access the KanShare Catalog!

To log in to the library catalog, your username login is your library card number with no spaces, and your password is the last four digits of the phone number on your account.
Login to the Kanshare Catalog
KanShare Libraries logo
Download the App!

What does a library card do?

- Check out items such as books, audiobooks, DVDs, and magazines.
- Use our public computers
- Search the library catalog and log-in to see when your items are due, renew items, put items on hold, and suggest purchase recommendations for our collection.
- Use the KanShare app to check your account, renew items, place items on hold, and search the library catalog.
- Check out e-books and audiobooks from Libby.
Hours of Operation
Mon-Tues: 9 am - 7 pm
Wed-Fri: 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm
Sunday: Closed
Contact Us
(316) 744-6318
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